Below is the latest The Pain -- When Will It End?
Updated 8/11/07

The friend Jim of Mr. Kreider's, who must also be known as James the Large One, informed me immediately that his wife would be with work all the day, and counted that let us have a pretty good time together. Jim is currently without employment and is only engaged in the restoration of his new house, at which he appears to proceed slowly in a carefree way. He offered to me the killers of suffering, or calmeurs, of which he takes much without the legitimate medical need. Moreover he takes pills for the heart condition and the blood pressure. There are many brilliantly coloured plastic containers of the pills around the house. Each one is treated with drugs in this household. Even the dogs to take the pills. There are two dogs, both collies, one of which is strongly given sedatives constantly to prevent seizures, the other must be maintained in a small cage for neuroses. I refused the pills with several recoveries but Jim was insisting and I have finally to pretend to consume half of a pill to deaden the ceaseless speaking in favour.

Jim established us in a room panelled out of wood of which the goal is the viewing of television. With Mr. Kreider's there is not any television set and I am unaccustomed with the inanity and the violence of the exposures of programming of American television. We viewed in succession three films of indifferent quality, and several half-an-hour comedies and shows of play, which were mainly incomprehensible with me. One of the shows of play which Jim was particularly affectionate centered on the cost of consumer goods. Jim sang with its music of opening disgusting lyrics of his own composition. We drank several cans of whistling seasoned water. At 11:17 A.M. Mr. Fisher exchanged his drink with beer. He spoke of a fashion meandering and hard to follow of Mr. Kreider. During the visit of Mr. Kreider's they ate three dozen clams roasted out of the doors posed on sections of tree and drank of champagne in the honor of the new house, and took the pills together and observed films of end-of-night television like “At Midnight I Shall Have Your Corpse. ” Mr. Kreider seemed dark and worried, although he ate with gusto the clams and bought a pair of sun-glasses with which he was quite satisfied. In all this monologue were the repeated shouted ineffectual orders to the dogs to being quiet and to cease requesting for food.

Mr. James the Large confirmed the vague intention of Mr. Kreider to return to visit Jennifer the celebrated transsexual in the state of Maine but could not say when or if he had gone there. He made me promise to point out to Jennifer that she owes to Jim a Cadillac car. He ensures me Mr. Kreider is to be well. He is ruined by a crisis of the heart regularly, he estimates, once each two years. It is his manner. Nevertheless I feel that it is no ordinary six-monthly sorrow and my concern persists. Throughout this day we consumed three heavy meals, and a fourth when Sarah the wife of Jim is returned from work. Jim prohibited to me to speak to her about the number of pills or the second lunch or of the very large cheese beefsteak which he had consumed for the lunch. I was assured that it was not normal for him. Late in the night, after Srah was withdrawn to the bed, Jim started to play the music and became lachrymose and sentimental in a way inconvenient to see.

Because the housing of the guest is not yet finished, I was placed to sleep in a large vibrating chair in the room of viewing television. The back and the posterior can be vibrated separately. Jim informs me that Mr. Kreider likes this chair deeply and requires to sleep inside it, refusing the room of the guests even when it is made available to him. Moreover I was given another pill, an anti-concern drug that Jim invited me to take as a soporific. The pill I avoided and also chose not to vibrate. The chair does not rest completely and I am awaked with a pain in the back of the awkward pose twisted in harms.

Now ahead to Jennifer in the savage Scandinavian state of Maine, the tiny pin head of the obese bovine animal which is the United States.


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